Monday, October 15, 2007

Oh what a sight! Oh what a day!

Good news: I finished my first sock Friday. I have an interview at noon. I got a copy of New Moon from the library (finally!!).

Bad news: My boss told me this is my last week. We're broke. Now I'm depressed.

So when I went downtown to pick up the book I stopped and got a pack of cigarettes. I could use one in my mood. And then I was one hell of a sight in a seemingly out of body way. I was standing in the rain with my black Made hoodie zipped up, hood up holding a vampire novel and smoking. From my vantage point looking down into a puddle I could only see the cigarette, the book under my arm and the hoodie. I could imagine it looked a bit like a bad cliche of a depressed emo goth. But that thought made me smile.

So yeah, that's it. Depressed, trying to cheer up for the interview and worried as hell.

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